
01 March 2009


Nards and I were at the hospital recently.  While waiting for the doctor, I was acquainting myself with Duffy's Rockerferry album. 

And amusing myself by looking at feet and shoes of other people in the waiting lounge. 

I took this photo (on the pre-text of taking a photo of my lap -- who takes a photo of their lap?! so lame! haha!) because I wanted to capture these two ladies' toe nails.  It's not clear here, but they had toe nails that were triangular with a sharp point.  I think it was a result of years of going to an old-school manicurist/pedicurist who filed down the sides of the toe nails which will eventually result to triangular toe nails.

I don't know about anyone, but seeing those toe nails actually made the hairs on my arm stand.  Because I can already imagine getting lacerated by them if they accidentally brush against my foot. 

I'm all for square toe nails!   It's supposed to be square I think.  My third grade Health Class teacher said so.

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