
22 June 2008

Where Do Storms Go Off to Die?

Right now, as I am writing this, Metro Manila is under storm signal no. 3.

I wasn't prepared to hear over breakfast that another ship of Sulpicio Lines carrying more than 800 passengers and crew members sank off the coast of Sibuyan Island. This is just few of the news that I heard over the AM radio this morning over breakfast. (This triggered a childhood memory, waking up to the sound of the AM radio on a rainy morning meant no classes.)

I feel bad for all the people severely affected by Frank (and his 120kph winds).

We are fortunate that the worst thing for us during this storm is that we're housebound, and I am very much thankful for that.

What is annoying me right now, is that on the radio, PGMA is screeching at a coast guard official over the sank vessel. And what she's grilling him (over the air) about is whether there was a warning issued by the coast guard to prevent the vessels from sailing because of the storm. I'm thinking, why do that now? Do that later. See what can be done about rescue operations instead. Who cares about blame and responsibility at this moment when there are people paddling for their lives in the rough seas?

Get the errant officials later.

Save lives now.

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