
23 March 2008

On The Death of Lord Shaper

In preparation for the four day weekend, I brought with me Sandman volume 8 entitled World's End, and volume 9 entitled The Kindly Ones. For those who are not familiar, these are part of Neil Gaiman's graphic novel Sandman, which is a ten volume series.

(Warning: this entry contains spoilers.)

I finished World's End by Good Friday, and I was leafing through the opening story on volume 9. I got alarmed. I went directly to the ending. (Trust me, something I've never done before.)

Then I chucked it in my bag and stayed away from it 'til this very minute.

Nards texted me on Black Saturday to ask on how I was progressing with Sandman. This was our (funny) exchange:

Nards: how's dream? (He was referring to Sandman, aka Dream, aka Lord Shaper, aka Morpheus, aka Dream King)

Aggie: Sandman is in my bag. I don't want to read it.

Nards: Kindly ones wraps the series up. It's a good story arc.

Aggie: He killed Dream. :(

Nards: Yes, but with style. �

Aggie: Whe. I rather like him alive.

Nards: Gloomy and arrogant he is. �

Aggie: I didn't even notice that. And he comes through for other people. He's dead. Kainis.

Fine, fine, fine. I'll read it.

Maybe in a few days, weeks even. I'm annoyed that he killed my second favorite character.

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