
23 March 2010

Missing Siopao Sauce

My Mom called me late this afternoon.  They're popping in for a brief visit because they have siopao to share.  I thought they came from Ma Mon Luk, but no.  My parents were part of the round table discussion with Sen. Pimentel on the RH Bill.  It was held at Emerald Garden (the Chinese restaurant of my youth), hence the overflowing supply of siopao, moon bread and taro cake.  Nards and  I were delighted because we were feeling a bit peckish and their visit and pasalubong came at a very opportune time.

After they left, Nards worked a bit on his new project (the old rusty bike we got last Sunday), while I chatted with Phanie and Beng over some concerns we have on our clothing line.  Then we attacked the overflowing box of goodies.

Mom forgot to leave the sauce, and that's fine for me because EG's siopao can stand on its own.  But Nards needed it.  So guess what he put on his?
He loves ketchup.  Every time we buy groceries, I'd make sure to buy two to three bottles of Jufran (it was the brand we both agreed on).  Nards consumes them all by the time we make another trip to buy groceries.  Then he discovered the Heinz ketchup in a giant squeeze bottle and that's now a staple on our list.  He doesn't put it on EVERYTHING.  But when we sit down for a meal, he always keeps it within reach.

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